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South Asian American Immigrant
Mental Health Study

In the United States, South Asian Americans are one of the largest growing populations but discussing mental health is often taboo. Within the South Asian community, distinct cultural factors and one's immigration generation can often influence their well-being. For many South Asians, navigating a new cultural environment while retaining their own values can take a toll on one's mental health, attitudes, and associated behaviors. The stigma surrounding mental health can further create difficulties in seeking help.


There is a lack of research on the South Asian community and this study hopes to shed light on the unique mental health experiences of South Asian immigrants. By conducting this important research, we hope to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and improve mental health care for this growing, yet underrepresented population. 


Be sure to check out participation requirements in the flyer on the right. To participate, add your name to the interest form linked below and a member from our team will reach out to you. For questions, please email

Interested in participating?

Add your name to interest form linked below!


This project has been reviewed and approved by the Cleveland State University Institutional Review Board (216-687-3630; IRB-FY2022198). The Principal Investigator for this registry is Dr. Kathleen Reardon (

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